-------November 2012-------
Greer,AZ is your Winter Wonderland destination for FUN !
November 23, 2012
The Business Council of Greer announces the kickoff of their Winter Wonderland in the Village with their new website www.GreerVillage.com Holiday Family Fun all through the village. Snowsledding, caroling, snowmen contests, and MORE. The Magic of the Holiday can still be found in Greer.
-------November 2011-------
Tis the Season in Greer AZ
November 13, 2011
Molly Butler Lodge and The North Pole Experience ushered in the Holiday Season last night with their traditional Tree Lighting ceremony. The Round Valley Choir sang holiday songs until Santa arrived
(thanks to Greer Fire Department)
Inside the lodge The Quacker Barrel Gift Shop and Frostybottom Cafe hosted the 3rd annual Gingerbread Cabin Building contest, and a record number of houses were made.
Winners in 5 different categories took home prizes like Sock Monkeys and Skate Boards, while everyone received a coupon for a treat from Frostybottom, Quacker Barrel or Molly's.
It promises to be another great holiday season in Greer. Home of the North Pole Experience. Book your Magic today.
--------October 2011-------
Oktoberfest war ein voller Erfolg (translated: was a success!) as we had a great turn out for our Competition between local Chefs in our first annual "Soup Off"
First Place Bragging Rights go to Robbie Sutherlin from The Peaks Resort with his Smoked Mushroom soup. He smoked the mushrooms on site and made his soup right before our eyes,
it was great! Examine the votes however and you will see that Robbie won with 18 votes, and Second place was shared by Karey from Greer Mountain Resort and Ron from Molly Butler Lodge each with 17 votes.
Clam Chowder and Seafood Gumbo were their entries and the crowd was not disappointed. The Pasole' was HOT HOT HOT on the run with 15 votes and the MEAN BEAN
from Frostybottom was "nipping" at their heels!!!!
The artists who joined us in the Park must have been happy, as more than a piece or two left in the hands of happy customers!
Surely the pumpkin carvers were happy, as they
all got a Frostybottom treat, and the winners each got $10 to spend on food, drinks or gifts at the Quacker Barrel. Here's some of the entries, as seen after we Lit them UP! |
--------September 2011-------
Greer is Still Here, Still Green, STILL GREER.
There were THOUSANDS of entries. We were 2nd in Fan Voting and won $1,000 as a finalist for the Greer Wallow Fire Recovery Fund. We did good GREER !!!!
The Kick Ash Bash was the BEST! We had a short rain on Friday evening's events, but were then rewarded with the MOST AMAZING RAINBOW we had EVER seen. Then on Saturday (IN JULY) we had a full day of sunshine, and not a drop of rain. Live Music played on the STAGE in the Pines from Noon to 10pm, and Mother Nature proved that she still LOVES US.
Planning an event in Greer that you'd like to share?
EMail KayZahn@GreerAz.com